The last movie from Yash Chopra gifted the viewers with a beautiful love story. Though the story was beautiful, the screenplay couldn’t support the story well. The weakness in the screenplay caused the nearly three-hour movie feel little boring.
Yash Chopra’s last film and Shahrukh Khan’s Diwali release for the year had created great expectations in the people for these reasons. But it was nothing but an average Bollywood a love story movie for them. Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma, who played the lead female roles in the movie made the movie colourful by their presence.
The real beauty of the movie was AR Rahman’s music. All the songs he had composed for the movie are beautiful and had obtained positions in the hit chart. Gulzar’s lyrics also had equal importance in creating the songs beautiful.
As usual SRK had played the role of a romantic hero very well in his own class. Through JAB TAK HAI JAAN, he had tightened his position as bollywood’s most romantic hero. Anushka Sharma also did her job wonderfully in the movie. While, Katrina Kaif couldn’t does it well.
Although the movie represented a great love story, it couldn’t get the real attraction due to its weak script. In fact the weakness in the script made the movie really lengthy. The screenplay couldn’t make the viewer’s feel the story. It failed to represent the highly emotional situations within the story with their required strength.
Katrina’s not-so-good acting and Aditya Chopra’s script made the beautiful story look ‘just an average movie’.
Let the memories of Yash Copra be long living through his beautiful movies.
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